The title of this SIA challenge (and this post for that matter) is called “The Mystery of Water”. The “mystery of snow” would be more appropriate here because, well, we’re getting actual snow now and it’s like the freakin’ end of April. My thoughts and feelings on snow have, shall we say, waned over the past few months, for one very particular reason, which I’ll talk about one day soon, maybe…

Anyway, moving on, it’s Terri’s turn to host SIA this time around, and she chose Christi Belcourt’s The Mystery of Water, which you can see here (

I automatically knew what I wanted to do for this one, as I had the perfect shirt to match the main color of the painting. Can’t beat aqua marine, right? Simple, but to the point. You’re probably wondering why I opted to take this photo outside in the middle of our “spring blizzard” instead of the nice warm interior. Simple answer. Lighting. My house was simply too dark this morning (when I took the photo) to get any good shots, and artificial lighting looked too weird for this, so I chose to freeze for two minutes to get in a nice, natural lighting image. I’m actually more fascinated by that and by the fact that I have an action shot of blowing snow in my photo over the look of my outfit, which is rather banal by comparison. But hey, I do what I gotta do.

Be sure to check out Terri’s blog tomorrow (Wednesday, April 20th) to see everyone else’s interpretation!

4 thoughts on “SIA Post: “The Mystery of Water”

  1. Ooh, you make a good point, Sally! I didn’t think about the snow “acting” like the dots seen in the painting! I guess the snow served a decent purpose after all!


  2. Thanks, Shelbee! Your dress is AWESOME!!! It matches the color of the water in the painting perfectly!
    And I know, right?! It seems like the weather in both of our respective cities refuses to cooperate. But get this. 80+ degree weather for us this weekend!


  3. It is the perfect shirt, Mike! I also went for turquoise with black and white and I have some snow in my photos as well. Darn spring storms!


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