Hey, yo, it’s been quite a long time since I posted anything. Besides of a lot of miniature vicissitudes over the past few months, a major emotional shattering event happened to me back in February; something which I’ll talk about in another post. I want to keep focused on the latest SIA subject.

To begin with, Daenel, one of our SIA participants and hosts, has stepped down from her role as SIA host, and in her place, Shelbee (https://shelbeeontheedge.com/) has assumed the role. I thank Daenel (https://livingoutsidethestacks.com/) for her excellent work as SIA host and wish to thank her for allowing me to be a part of her community on her blog. I truly appreciate the warm welcome each and every time I submitted a comment there and am thankful for all the times that you have allowed me to be a part of your blog during SIA round-ups. Best of luck, Daenel!

As I just stated, Shelbee is SIA’s newest host and I wanted to welcome her to her new position by participating in this challenge. And for her second SIA assignment (I missed out on her first one, sort of…), she has chosen Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon. You can see an image of his work on Shelbee’s blog (https://shelbeeontheedge.com/les-demoiselles-davignon-by-pablo-picasso-style-imitating-art/).

While Picasso isn’t one of my favorite artists of all time (I struggled studying him when I was in school), I do acknowledge him as one of greats in art history; well known for his various artistic “periods”, such as “Blue”, “Rose” and “African”, etc., for which the art piece that we’re focusing on is in the African Period.

Whatever else I say regarding this work won’t do it justice compared to Shelbee’s excellent art history lesson, so go read that if you want to know more about this piece (https://shelbeeontheedge.com/style-imitating-art-les-demoiselles-davignon-by-pablo-picasso)

Getting to my chosen outfit, I once again tried to focus on color. And as there are very muted and monochromatic colors in the painting, I tried to go for a very “muted” look as well.

I basically see five colors in the painting. And by sheer serendipitous splendor, that’s how many colors that I have in my sweater(s) that I wore for this. That wasn’t intentional, but what is are the stripes in one of my sweaters, which match the straight lines that are seen throughout the piece, not to mention the designs on my other sweater that resemble straight lines.

I’m actually really proud of this one. I usually do a fairly average job on these because my clothes are pretty plain. But this one turned out better than I initially thought and I’m really happy about it. Not bad for my reentrance into the blogging world after a long hiatus.

And that’s all I have. Be sure to check out Shelbee’s blog this Wednesday, March 23rd, to see how everyone else interpreted Picasso’s art piece.

I lied. There was one more thing. My submission for Shelbee’s previous, and very first SIA hosting challenge! (https://shelbeeontheedge.com/sunday-morning-by-norman-rockwell-style-imitating-art/)

5 thoughts on “SIA Post: “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon”

  1. Thanks so much, Shelbee! And thank you again for allowing me to be a part of the SIA project. It was a lot of fun to try and come up with a nice combo for the art piece and I think that I did it quite well. You and the others did so well also! I’ll be stopping by your blog to comment soon! Thanks again for stopping by!!! 🙂


  2. Mike, what a beautiful SIA post to get back to blogging! Thank you so much for the very warm welcome and for joining me for my first two times choosing the art! You did a fantastic job interpreting the art into style! I really like the mixed textures/patterns with your stripes and cable knit. Well done, my friend!


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  3. Thanks for stopping by, Kezzie! And thank you for your concern. I will write a special post on what happened. Right now, I’m just taking each day one at a time.


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